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New North Employer Job Boards
People in the New North region have a wide variety of leading, top-rated employers to consider when choosing their career. From Fortune 500 companies to high-tech independent firms, all career fields and interests are available in Northeast Wisconsin. Access job boards and learn of our region’s employers by viewing New North Investor firms human resource websites and available positions.
New North Employer Job Boards
Hiring the Formerly Incarcerated: A Creative Workforce Solution
Organization: Envision Greater Fond du Lac
Program/ Resource Offering: Hiring the Formerly Incarcerated: A Creative Workforce Solution
Program Description: A series of events, each with unique presenters and topics that aim to inform the business community on the benefits of hiring individuals who have formerly been incarcerated, as well as resources for successfully engaging with this population to fill vacant positions.
HashTags: ##envisiongreaterfdl
Link to Details:
Program Contact: Bernadette Ericksen, Director of Business Client Services
Phone: (920) 921-9500
Counties Where Available: Fond du Lac
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Organization: UWGB
Program/ Resource Offering: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Program Description: Social Evolution - UWGB is offering a 2 level Diversity, Equity and Inclusion non-credit Certificate Series starts on February 1s,t 202. Each level offers 5 weeks of course work delivered self-paced online with live virtual discussions and panel of expert conversation. We will discuss the complexities of cultural and societal biases and how they manifest in our conversations and interactions. Details in the link below.
HashTags: #Diversity, #Inclusion, #Equity, #Rasism, #Bias, #Classism
Link to Details:
Program Contact: Tammy Clausen, Business Development
Phone: (920) 424-1067
Counties Where Available: Brown | Calumet | Door | Florence | Fond du Lac | Green Lake | Kewaunee | Manitowoc | Marinette | Marquette | Menoninee | Oconto | Outagamie | Shawano | Sheboygan | Waupaca | Waushara | Winnebago | Other: The program is virtual so can be shared with your partners in other states.
Internship Draft Day
Organization: NEW Manufacturing Alliance
Program Description: A college internship fair recruiting 100s of students throughout Wisconsin and Michigan.
HashTags: #NEWManufacturingAlliance
Link to Details:
Program Contact: Ann Franz, Executive Director
Phone: (920) 498-5587
Counties Where Available: Brown | Calumet | Door | Florence | Fond du Lac | Green Lake | Kewaunee | Manitowoc | Marinette | Marquette | Menoninee | Oconto | Outagamie | Shawano | Sheboygan | Waupaca | Waushara | Winnebago

NEW Digital Alliance
Organization: NEW Digital Alliance
Program Description: Advance collaboration efforts that promote tech health of the region.
HashTags: #IT Careers, #Digital, #Northeast Wisconsin, #Alliance, #jobs
Link to Details:
Program Contact: Kim Iversen, Director
Phone: (920) 312-7040
Counties Where Available: Brown | Calumet | Door | Florence | Fond du Lac | Green Lake | Kewaunee | Manitowoc | Marinette | Marquette | Menoninee | Oconto | Outagamie | Shawano | Sheboygan | Waupaca | Waushara | Winnebago